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Saturday, July 09, 2005


ASSOCIATED PRESS July 08, 2005 KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - Ex-rebel leader John Garang made a triumphant return to Khartoum on Friday, greeted as a brother by the president and as a pop star by hundreds of thousands of supporters hopeful for a new era after Africa's longest civil war. His arrival on a scorching summer's day was a landmark step in a U.S.-backed January peace deal that requires Sudan's Muslim-dominated northern-based regime to share power and wealth with long-marginalized southerners. Garang was to be sworn in to the government's second-most powerful post Saturday. A red carpet greeting at Khartoum's airport was followed by an official welcoming reception during which President Omar el-Bashir held his former enemy's hand in the air and repeatedly called him "our brother." "You will find the hearts of all Sudanese open to you," el-Bashir promised. "This war has stopped finally and forever." A smiling Garang was interrupted by ululating women and shouts of "Allahu akbar," or God is great, and "Hallelujah" as he told the nearly 400 guests under a large tent at the ruling party headquarters that he was home among his people. "I congratulate the Sudanese people, this is not my peace or the peace of el-Bashir, it is the peace of the Sudanese people," Garang said. Garang, a burly, bearded warrior from southern Sudan's large Dinka tribe, was a key partner in peace negotiations that resulted in January's agreement. The deal ended the 21-year civil war that left more than 2 million dead, mostly through war-induced famine. Many in Khartoum welcomed Garang's arrival as a prelude to better times and an end to long years of fighting. A new government was to be installed in August, giving hope for many of a better life in Africa's largest country. In a sign of unity, Friday's security arrangements were shared by the Sudanese Army and Garang's Sudan People's Liberation Army, which both guarded roadways and the perimeter of the city's Green Square, where Garang made an appearance. Secret service units blended into the massive crowd. Hundreds of thousands of people - mainly Sudanese from the country's southern and western regions - who had been waiting up to six hours under blistering sunshine for Garang's arrival screamed with joy when he stepped onto a stage. Garang waved and blew kisses, each one greeted with roars of approval by the throng that pressed closer to get a view. It was impossible to estimate the crowd's size. The square was made to accommodate half a million people, and the crush of people stretched out from the stage to the far end of the square. "It's a day of merriment, a day of joy," grinned Marina Lako, 32. "The fact that Garang has come means to us the war has stopped. We as women, we lost many of our beloved ones. So the end of the war means a lot to us. This is the day of the people." Many waved flags and wore pins in the black, white, red and green of the SPLA. Banners proclaimed "Peace for Darfur" - a region wrought by more than two years of conflict in Sudan's west - and welcome messages for Garang. Tribal dancers and singers entertained the crowd before his arrival. People scrambled on top of buildings to catch a glimpse of Garang. Some who tried to climb trees crashed to the ground when branches broke. Many fainted from the heat and excitement. "This is an unbelievable gathering, an unimaginable thing," said northerner Salah Abdullah, a government employee. Garang had been scheduled to give a speech but the pressing crowd caused security officials to pull him away after barely 15 minutes. His military band stayed behind, however, and many in the crowd danced and celebrated longer. Security was to remain tight through Saturday when Garang will be inaugurated as first vice president, and the U.S. Embassy warned Americans to be careful. The two leaders also were expected to sign a new constitution allowing greater human rights and freedoms. ©Tyler Morning Telegraph 2005