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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fifty Years After Independence

"Fifty Years After Independence: Sudan's
Quest for Peace, Stability and Identity"
7th International Sudan Studies Conference
April 6th - 8th, 2006
University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway
Organised by: University of Bergen, SSA and SSSUK
Call for Papers
Throughout most of its fifty years of independence, Sudan has faced continuous wars
caused by a multitude of reasons ranging from religious and ethnic differences to
economic marginalisation. As the current peace process may give hope to the South,
the people of Darfur and Eastern Sudan continue to suffer. Addressing the historic
root causes of the conflict is an ongoing process. The recently negotiated peace
agreement for the South has far-reaching implications for the future. Sudanese and
foreigners interested in Sudan are continually seeking ways to understand the issues
involved, their complex relations, catalysts for improvement, and conditions for
peaceful co-existence.
The organisers of the 7 th International Sudan Studies Conference seek proposals that
address various issues related to the quest for peace, stability, reconstruction and the
identity of the peoples of Sudan in both contemporary and historical perspective. The
role of an independent judicial system, individual liberties, democracy and free press
in making and safeguarding peace are some of the themes the conference wishes to
Papers addressing issues such as the role of women, environment, education, health
services, AIDS, history, archaeology, cultural diversity, Sudanese arts, Sudanese
religions, Sudanese languages, and their interaction with peace and stability are
especially welcome. Also papers addressing the role of the international community
and donors in preserving peace and rebuilding Southern Sudan and other war-ravaged
parts of the country are encouraged.
Papers are welcome from both Sudanese and non-Sudanese whether they are
academics or non-academics.
To send abstracts:
Email to:
Fax to: Prof Anders Bjørkelo on 00 47 55 58 98 91
Post to: Prof Anders Bjørkelo, Historisk institutt, HF-bygget,
Sydnespl. 7, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Deadline for abstracts: 30th September 2005